Proposed canals never built
Records concerning proposed canals never built: Waltham-Abbey to Moorfields Canal 1773-1794, Bishops Stortford to Cambridge Canal 1779-1780, Stella to Hexham Canal 1796, North-Riding Canal 1800, Sunbury to Shepperton Canal 1806, Commercial Canal 1807, Grand Southern Canal 1810, Bristol Junction Canal 1811, English and Bristol Channels Ship Canal 1824-1825, Canterbury Navigation 1826, Witham and Ancholme Junction Canal 1828, London and Birmingham Junction Canal 1828-1841, Central Union Canal 1833, Stirling Canal 1835, Burton and Moira Canal 1840-1841, Birmingham & Bristol Channel Improved Navigation 1886-1888, Abingdon to Birmingham Canal nd [19th century], Bath and Bristol Canal nd [early 19th century], Cheltenham Canal nd [19th century], Weaver Navigation Extension 1903, Weaver-Wolverhampton Canal 1944-1946, Birmingham-Coventry Canal nd [1948-1953], Grand Canal Contour 1964-1966.
Reference code
Access Status
These records are available immediately for research
Administrative / Biographical history
The plans and documents that comprise this collection all relate to proposed canals that were never built or improvements to existing canals never undertaken. For a number of the schemes little or no background information exists; where it does however, this is detailed with the relevant project.
System of arrangement
Records were arranged chronologically and then by the proposed canal scheme; a name was allocated to the waterway if no formal name was given.