Nottingham and Grantham Railway and Canal Company
Records of the Nottingham and Grantham Railway and Canal Company concerning Grantham Canal 1875-1911.
Reference code
Access Status
These records are available immediately for research
Administrative / Biographical history
After the acquisition of the Nottingham and Grantham canals in 1855, the company became the Ambergate, Nottingham and Boston and Eastern Junction Railway and Canal Company. Under the Nottingham and Grantham Railway and Canal Act of 15th May 1860, their name was changed to Nottingham and Grantham Railway and Canal Company. The Grand Northern Railway's 999-year lease of the company took effect from 1 August 1861.
System of arrangement
It has not been possible to ascertain any original structure of record-keeping from the small number of records held for this company. The fonds has been arranged into one subfonds which has been arranged in chronological order.
Associated material
[See also BW35 and BW93 for records of Grantham Canal during other periods of ownership]