Papers of Robert Shaw
Papers relating to Manchester Ship Canal Closure; Seaways North West 1985 Conference Papers; Inland Waterways Association Fact Sheets 1974-1988; Papers and Publications relating to inland waterway freight transport in Britain; The Scroll no.III & no.IV, Inland Waterways Association Festival Magazine 1988; Press Cuttings; Draft articles and associated research information; Papers related to inland shipping outside of the North West Region; Inland Waterways Association reports donated by Shaw's daughter, Patricia
Reference code
Access Status
The collection is available for consultation by appointment via the archivist.
Shaw, Robert
Administrative / Biographical history
Robert Shaw (d.1991), known as Bob, was the chairman of the Inland Shipping Committee in the North West Region and a longstanding member of the Inland Shipping Group, a sub-committee of the Inland Waterways Association.
He possessed a keen interest in freight transport via both large and small waterways, and as a result was committed to tackling the decline and closures of such waterways caused by de-industrialisation. He was committed to keeping Britain's inland waterways operating at a commercial level.
In 1984 it was proposed that the upper reaches of the Manchester Ship Canal, a 26 mile stretch east of Runcorn, would be closed due to declining use. Shaw and his peers at the IWA campaigned tirelessly, both locally and at a national level to save this stretch of Britain's waterways as evidenced by this collection. Much of the Manchester Ship Canal upper reaches has experienced regeneration due largely in part to the work of these waterways enthusiasts.
Extent & medium
1 box containing 8 files
System of arrangement
CRT/RS/1-5 remain in the original order of the creator, with 6-8 the rest being arranged by the donor.
CRT/RS/9 consists of items donated by Shaw's daughter, Patricia