Gloucestershire County Council
Records of Gloucestershire County Countil concerning the Thames and Severn Canal late 19th-mid 20th century.
Late 19th-mid 20th century
Reference code
Access Status
These records are available immediately for research
Administrative / Biographical history
Gloucestershire County Council is the body responsible for the administration of and provision of services in Gloucestershire. There are also six district councils.
In 1895 the county councils of Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Berkshire were authorised by an Act to form a Trust to manage the Thames and Severn Canal Navigation. Gloucestershire County Council took it over in 1901. The canal was kept in a navigable condition, even after traffic ceased in 1911. The line east of Chalford closed in 1927 and the whole was abandoned in 1933.
For more information on Gloucestershire County Council see
System of arrangement
It has not been possible to ascertain any original structure of record-keeping from the small number of records held for this company. The fonds has therefore been arranged in chronological order.